Activ Terminology

Access Rights – this term refers to Activ’s facility to restrict use of any folder within the system by making it Private, allowing privileges to the folder to be granted only to specific users, regardless of their pre-set system permissions.  See Restrict Access to a Folder – Private Folders and Restrict Access to a Process – Private Processes.

Employee (no login) – you can add people to your Activ system in order to make full use of some features without having to create user accounts for these employees.  Employees who do not have their own Activ login are non-chargeable.  They will appear in drop-down lists in, for example, Audit Manager or Incident Log and you can manage their personnel file in Human Resources.

File – documents, records and other individual pieces of data stored with Activ are generically referred to as files.  All files in your Activ system can be backed-up via the Export feature.  See System Backup.

Home Screen – this is the first page that opens when you have logged in to Activ.  It is your gateway to the different parts of the system and your at-a-glance action manager.  You can return to the Home screen at any time by clicking on the Menu button on the left of the top bar of any Activ screen and then selecting Home on the grey menu that appears.  Alternatively, simply click on the Activ icon from any page to return to the Home screen.

Improvement / Improvement Log – a learning opportunity arising from all potential sources (including employee ideas, complaints/feedback from customers and other third parties, audits and near misses).  Improvements are logged, managed and analysed in the Improvement Log module.  An Improvement Log is the complete record (or ‘log’) of any particular Improvement, typically built up over several stages, from Raised to Closed and any status in between.  The terms Improvement and Improvement Log are used interchangeably.

Non-chargeable user – this term refers to any user of Activ (who has their own username and password) but who is not counted for monthly charging purposes.  Non-chargeable users may include an auditor, who is given temporary access to you Activ system to assist in the audit process.  To create a non-chargeable user you must contact your consultant.

Private Folders / Processes / Improvement Logs – this describes a folder/process/improvement log that some users do not have access rights to.  See Restrict Access to a Folder – Private Folders and Restrict Access to a Process – Private Processes.

Reportable Accident Frequency Rate (RAFR) – this is defined in Activ as the number of reportable accidents occurring in a 12-month period per 100,000 hours worked.  For a full explanation of the calculation, see Analysing Incidents – Accident and Injury Frequency Rates.

Recorded Injury Rate (RIR) – this is defined in Activ as the number of recorded accidents relating to an injury or instance of ill health occurring in a 12-month period per 100,000 hours worked.  For a full explanation of the calculation, see Analysing Incidents – Accident and Injury Frequency Rates.

System Permissions – this term describes the authority that a user has to perform actions within different modules of the Activ system.  Authority levels range from ‘None’ to full ‘Admin’.  See System Permissions.

User – this term describes anybody who has their own username and password to log in to Activ.  They have full use of the system, subject to their system permissions.

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